You will laugh.. but I dreamt of her recently. Glorious and quite stern, born out of the purest sense of compassion. The dragon form suits her.

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Bien sûr! (one of the few French phrases I remember on the fly lol) I love this so much. Yes - her form frequently changes!

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So fascinating. I want to know more. Always... more!

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When I first got Reiki certified in 1995 I had a woman in blue clothing that would show up during healing sessions. Sometimes she looked like Mary, other times the Cailleach. Then she showed up like Mystique in X-Men holding space for my business and now and blue and gold dragon holding the money container. I never asked her name until a few months ago and she said Theia.

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Isn't it wild sometimes how these guardians show up and how they change depending on our own level of acceptance?

What would you have done had she shown up directly as a dragon?

This is so beautiful.

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I love thinking of them as guardian energy

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Probably ignored her or not even seen her at all. In 1995 I could barely deal with anything that powerful.

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She is a testimony to your path, to the moments past, of trials and upgrades, of the beautiful and the difficult alike.

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