Sovereign Storytellers with Laura Michelle Wolff MEd
Mindset Manifesting as Money, Health, and Relationships by Sovereign Storytellers
Writing Leads to Awakening

Writing Leads to Awakening

A message from me to my students

This is a short message I gave to the Train Your Body to Write participants. I want to share it to encourage you to consider a daily writing practice.

Writing daily as a devotional practice to your own self-expression will wake you up to layers of reality you couldn't perceive before.

May we all take this journey because it leads directly through Shadow to Peace.

Speaker 1 (00:00):


For everyone. I suspected that people were slipping into channeling. And then I saw M, your post about your writing. I saw it today. I don't know when you put it in there, but I wanna encourage you to really consider that writing is a portal at a deep level.

Like we start the process because we know we wanna write, right? Because either we're conscious of that or just intuitively we know writing feels good to us.

But what often happens is where we start is only where we start and other things happen. This happens the same way for people in the money group. When they stick it out long term, they go to places, beyond money. And eventually things start unwinding and you start to see the world differently.

The same thing happens for people who come into the my higher ticket mentorship.

You start one place, but you in some place completely different. So I figured that was gonna happen with writing.

So what I want to encourage you to do is notice when you slip into a flow state, and it does feel like I think L called it, you know, a poem poured out of a pen and M referred to it as spirit and the body mingling.

I forget exactly what you said, but that it sort of takes over. It feels like something's taking over and all of a sudden your pen feels like it has a life of its own.

That's actually the most authentic you when your blended body, mind, spirit and your writing from your non-local consciousness, the part of you that makes this body and lives this life, but the largest part of you is not physical. It's non-local.

It's connected to the collective, the all that is, it's just we move through life and we aren't consciously interacting with that part because we're not able to, until we reach a certain state of development and we're doing stuff that opens those channels.

So we can talk all, all day about the different theories of if you're channeling something that's really separate from you, or if it's a part of you that's so large, it feels separate from you, but it's really you. It doesn't matter where it's coming from.

What matters is that you allow it and you move through the discomfort of it because it is scary in the beginning. It is disorienting and disturbing.

It's sort of like discovering someone's been living in your house all this time and you didn't know they were there. And, and by the way, that's a real thing.But for us, we're speaking metaphorically.

You all of a sudden get well, it's not really all of a sudden, but suddenly you're aware of that there's a big part of you that you're not conscious of. And awakening is becoming conscious of that and deliberately creating opportunities for that part of you, for you to have a relationship with that part of you.

And it's very, it will freak your mind out and just know that it's normal.

All of these nervous system tools are built for exactly that. Moving you through it, helping your body accommodate it, helping your mind get used to the idea that somebody else is living in the house and, and mine never knew about it. So just know that it's disturbing and disorienting and you can accommodate it, acclimate to it. And you're gonna love what's on the other side of that.

So keep going. Working with resistance, not giving into it being, but acknowledging it and being kind and compassion to the part of yourselves that are start to freak out.

This is why we always quit. It doesn't matter the goal you're pursuing, the pursuit of a goal starts the engine that starts carrying you down this road. And then we can't, it starts to, we start to get that union and, and we can't handle it because we haven't known how to handle it.

We don't live in cultures anymore with shaman and medicine women that knew what was happening to us and could warn us ahead of time and help us walk through. We're kind of out here doing it on our own, but we can do it on our own because now you do know that there are ways to help your body literally grow new cells that can handle this fast frequency.

This is frequency. This is bringing more light into the body. This is helping bust up the concrete inside ourselves and the collective.

Because every time we do this for ourselves, we move, we create ripples in the collective of awakening, then the whole world is going through an awakening process.

Some people will wake up and some people won't, and that's okay. Like what, what they're doing is not our business.

What we are doing is very much our business and the more we focus on our process, the better we serve everybody else around us. So it's a little too early in the morning for me to totally launch off on a rant, but I absolutely could <laugh>. All right, so let me know if you have any questions in the Facebook group. You can leave questions. That is the best place to leave them and tag me.



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Sovereign Storytellers with Laura Michelle Wolff MEd
Mindset Manifesting as Money, Health, and Relationships by Sovereign Storytellers
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Sovereign Storytellers is where we learn to create our own reality by taking responsibility for the stories we tell ourselves and learning how to work with our Shadow and our Light to write new ones. We're talking about all the ways we stay stuck or grow through inner stories that create our identity and all the ways of transforming it. I’m your host Michelle Wolff, the creator of Forest Reiki®, Copywriting for Hippies, Quantum Human Design Specialist, psychic-medium, periodically hilarious author, Francophile, and expert napper.